Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ANOVA Procedure

Following are the steps of the Analysis of Variance procedure.
1- Description of the data
 in addition to describe the data in the usual way, we display the sample data in tabular form.
2- Assumptions along with the assumtions underlying the analysis, we present the model for each design we discuss above. The model consists of a symbolic representation of a typical value from the data being analyzed.
3- Hypothesis
4- Test Statistic
5- Distribution of Test Statistic
6- Decision Rule
7- Calculation of test statistic
 the results of the arithmatic calculations will be summarized in table called the analysis of variance (ANOVA) table. The entries in the table make it easy to evaluate the results of the analysis.
8- Statistical Decision
9- Conclusion

Use of Computer
The calculations required by analysis of variance are lengthier and more complicated. The computer assumes an important role in analysis of variance . All the exercises appearing in this section are suitable for computer analysis and may be used with the statistical packages. The out put of the statistical packages may vary slightly. The basic concept of the analysis of variance that we present here should provide the necessary background for understanding the description of the programs and their output in any of the statistical packages.

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