Sunday, January 3, 2010

Basic Statistics

Descriptive statistics
It is used to express the main characteristics of a set of data in quantitative conditions. Descriptive statistics are illustrious from inferential statistics, in that descriptive statistics try to quantitatively review a data set, rather than being used to hold inferential statement about the population that the data are considered to represent. Even when a data analysis draw its main result using inductive statistical analysis, descriptive statistics are normally presented with more formal analysis, to give an overall sense of the data is analyzed.

Common uses:- Example of the application of descriptive statistics mostly occurs in health research studies. In paper reporting on a study concerning human population, there normally appears a table having the overall sample size, sample sizes in significant subgroups (for each treatment or exposure group), and demographic or clinical character such as the mean age, the proportion of patients with each gender, and the proportion of patients with related diseases.

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